Mitigation of biogas use


The flare: ultimate solution, but necessary.

The flare is used in emergency situations and is the ultimate solution for security and mitigation against global warming. The World Bank supports the installation of gas flares for landfills and waste water treatment plants. The flare, though often not desired, is however required when it’s not possible to valorize biogas: the flare prevents methane from warming the atmosphere (GHG: greenhouse gases), or when biogas concentrations are too high in the process (Danger of explosion). Aware that the flare is increasingly experienced by our customers as a “necessary evil”, ECOTHANE was innovation leader to create its 4th range: mixed solution between flare and boiler.

Our flares meet the needs of:

  • 1. Landfills
  • 2. Waste Water Treatment Plants
  • 3. Methanisation unit
  • 4. Biomethane injection stations

Our ranges:

Our stainless steel flares, CE certified, meet French and international current standards. They can be equipped with a system metering burned volumes, recording and sending information remotely via GSM.

TYPE Débit
Température (°C) Temps de rétention (s)
0s De 0 à 1000 <850 0,6
1s De 30 à 1500 >900 0,6
2s De 70 à 5000 >1000 0,6

 TYPE Flow (Nm3 / h) Temperature (° C) Retention time (s)

  • The range 0s, with open flame, is rather intended for export markets.
  • 1s range can meet biogas needs until a flow of 1500Nm3/h.
  • The 2s range helps answer biogas flaring needs until a flow 5000Nm3/h, and with a combustion temperature kept > 1000 ° C, it can burn biogas with more complex compositions.

Laws taken into account in the manufacturing and design of our flares:

  • The French Ministerial Decree of 9 September 1997, amended on 31 December 2001 and 19 January 2006.
  • French Decree of 09/24/2013. Order of 09/24/13 on general requirements for facilities under the registration regime under the heading No. 2910-B of the nomenclature of facilities classified for environmental protection.
  • ATEX DIRECTIVE 2014/34 / EU.